I cannot say enough about how perfect this book was for me.

It is refreshing to see this in a genre that is typically so heavily white washed. I also appreciate that she did this in a way that doesn’t make it feel like we have the ‘token gay guy’ but each character is developed fully and carefully. What sets this apart for me is that Coho has included a lot more diversity than past books. This book has all of the classic CoHo-isms like realistic, flawed characters in dark places, handling situations with slight humor, lots of love and eccentric personalities. Without Merit has skyrocketed to the top of my favorite books list.

I guess I should preface this and say that CoHo is one of my favorite authors and I have loved almost all of her books, so much so that it had been hard for me to choose a favorite. Have you ever read a book at exactly the right time in your life? Almost as if the universe knew you needed a certain book to help you through a certain situation? Well, that is exactly what happened with Without Merit.